Repair Warranty

All parts and materials are guaranteed for one full year after installation.  Our workmanship is unconditionally guaranteed.

This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties or guarantees express or implied.  Including without limitations any warranty of merchantability or fitness for purpose and of all other obligations for liabilities including, without limitations, liability for damages whether direct or indirect, consequential or otherwise.

Perfection Servo Hydraulics, Inc., agrees for a period of one year from date of installation of any repair work, performed in connection with the job order indicated hereon, to supply its own labor and parts for any further repair work on the equipment repaired hereunder, without charge to customer, in the event said equipment does not perform to the satisfaction of the customer.  The present warranty does not apply to defects in said equipment resulting from:  abuse, accident, alteration, neglect, wear & tear, inadequate maintenance, unreasonable use of said equipment, or disassembly by other than Perfection Servo Hydraulics.